Consulting Cover Letter Toolkit
This program has been designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to create the strongest possible cover letter, designed specifically for consulting firms.
To get $54 off of your purchase, order the Deluxe Resume and Cover Letter Toolkit with Look Over My Shoulder. Just Click Here to order the Deluxe Toolkit with Look Over My Shoulder.
To get 25% off your purchase, order the Deluxe Toolkit with both the Consulting Cover Letter and Consulting Resume Toolkits. Just Click Here to order the Deluxe Toolkit.
Details on the Cover Letter Toolkit:
This Toolkit includes:
Overview Video - My tips on the objective of a good cover letter, insights into who is reading your letter, their mindset and what they are looking for so you can effectively write your cover letter to that audience; Actual Cover Letters - Real candidate cover letters, including 20 successful cover letters proven to work; cover letters in the top 20% with my annotations; and "before" vs. "after" versions of cover letters that needed improvement with my edits; Commentary Videos -- my commentary on each of the three groups of cover letters, what I noticed, why I noticed it, why I made the changes I did, so you can learn from these improvements; Editable Cover Letter Template with an Explanation Guide so you can use a proven approach to create your own successful cover letter.
Practical Details: